Panadyne is the first Hyper Zoanoid
Guyver one fights. Created by Guyot sent to defeat Guyver I, Panadyne is equipped with bio-blasters and an extendible tail.
Panadyne proves to be a tough opponent
but is killed by Guyver III dew to his over self confidence.
Name. Zerbebuth aka. Zerbubus (Created by Mr. Makashima) (translated video)
Strength. 8.3
Speed. 5
Defence. 8
Offence. 7.4
Bio weapon Ability. 5
Zerbebebuth was supposed to be a hyper Zoanoid.
He can spray acidic bio-liquid that can penetrate the Guyvers armour and he has a bio-blaster
on the back of each hand.
Zerbebuth was indestructible until Guyver I distracted him with a dead Zoanoid, Guyver I kneed
Zerbebuth in the face (that was the only blow which hurt Zerbebuth)
And after that, Zerbebuth went to get Mizuki to use her as a shield but before he got to her, Guyver III
made his first appearance and killed him.
Name. Enzyme aka. Enzayme, Gendo Makashima (created by Commander Guyot)
Strength. 9.3
Speed. 4
Defence. 4.5
Offence. 8.6
Enzyme is the Guyvers nemesis.
Enzyme is also a hyper zoanoid.
The Enzyme's blood burns through
the Guyver armour, but loses effect after contact with the air. so it's blood is transported through it's teeth, nails and
it's tail.
In the translated video, After Mr. Makashima lost his position at Chronos, he was turned
into the zoanoid 'Enzyme'.
After Enzyme pulled Guyver I's
control medal from his head, Commander Guyot made him self-destruct
Name. Thancrus (Hyper Zoanoid Team Five) (created by Dr. Valkus)
Strength. 7.8
Speed. 9.8
Defence. 4.6
Offence. 8.8
Thancrus has radiation wave vibration blades instead of hands.
In the Translated video, Guyver I proved to be no match Thancrus until
Guyver III surprised attacked Thancrus with the megasmasher.
In the Translated Graphic novel, Guyver III fought Thancrus, Elegen and Zektoll
near Mount Minakami. Guyver III killed Thancrus when he came up from beneath the ground and slashed Thancrus horizontally
in half.
Name. Gaster (Hyper Zoanoid Team Five) (created by Dr. Valkus)
Strength. 6
Speed. 4
Defence. 7.4
Offence. 7.6
Bio weapon Ability. 8.9
Gaster has two liquids, when combined the liquids explode.
In the translated video, Gaster used up all his liquid Darts (aka. liquid
missiles), so he had to spray the liquids from the back of his hands. This was ineffective. Guyver I slashed open were
the liquid missiles were launched and the two liquids merged killing Gaster.
Name. Derzerb (Hyper Zoanoid Team Five) (Created by Dr. Valkus)
Strength. 9.2
Speed. 6.1
Defence. 6.4
Offence. 7
Derzerb is the strongest of the Hyper Zoanoid Team Five.
Because his body is all most 100% made up of muscle, he can breathe fire from his mouth.
In the translated video, Guyer I proved to be no match for Derzerb the first time they met.
The second time they crossed
paths Derzerb was not so lucky. Derzerb was killed when he was thrown out a window about 40 stories high.
Name. Elegen (Hyper Zoanoid
Team Five) (created by Dr. Valkus)
Offence. 6.3
Bio weapon Ability. 7.1
Elegen can fly and he has tentacles
coming from his back which he uses for conductors when he sends ten thousand volts of electricity through them.
In the translated video, Elegen's powers were too much for Guyer I the first time they met, but when they met again Elegen
was defeated.
Later Zektoll found him half dead so
to respect Elegens last wishes, Zektoll took the last of Elegen's life force, killing Elegen when they merged.
Name. Zektoll aka. Zx-Tole (Hyper Zoanoid
Team Five) (created by Dr. Valkus)
Strength. 6.9
Speed. 4.6
Defence. 8.86
Offence. 7.8
Bio weapon Ability. 9.3
Zektoll has a large bio-blaster on
his fore head and multiple bio blasters around his body.
In the translated video, Zektoll did not fight the Guyvers directly the first time they met.
The second time he met Guyver III, Guyver
III was no match for him until Guyver I entered the hallway were they were fighting by braking down a wall.
Zektoll was no match for Guyver I so he escaped
while Guyver I fought everyone in sight.
He later merged with elegen and became Neo
He was the most powerful Zoanoid ever until
both Guyvers used the megasmasher on him.
Name. Enzyme II aka. Enzayme II (created
by Dr Valkus)
Strength. 9.4
Speed. 6.7
Defence. 4.6
Offence. 8.4
Enzyme II is a superior version of
Enzyme I.
The deference between the two Enzymes is
that Enzyme two is slightly smaller and has four spider like arms coming from it's back.
Several Enzyme IIs were made because the Enzyme
II was greatly effective against the Guyver.
The first Enzyme II was Sho's father, Fumio Fukamachi,
who was turned into the Enzyme II after attempting to escape Chronos. Dr Valkus had difficulties controlling the first Enzyme
II because Fumio put up some resistance against Dr Valkus's telepathic powers. In the end the doctor was able to over power
the hyper zoanoid and make it do his bidding but it was still killed.
Although it was killed at the hands of the Guyver,
it proved to be the best (expendable) weapon Chronos had against the bio-booster armour, there for an army of Enzyme II's
were made.