B = Bad FG = FairlyGood Good
G = Good VG = VeryGood F = Fine
I have many different items in stock. I have lots of Marvel comics
for sale a few Dc comics and a handful of darkhorse and Image comics for sale as well as others. I also have lots of dragonballz
trading cards as well as other items like books (fic + non-fic). I have alot of other things in stock but it will be some
time before they are on this site.
Take a look, if find something you like or want to ask me
about something then e-mail me.
-Amazing SpiderMan Comic
-30th Aniversery SpiderMan Comics
-Ult SpiderMan Colledted Ed
-SpiderMan #57
-Classic X-Men Comics
-Ult X-Men Colected Ed
-Set of Young Blood Comics
-Set of Captian America Comics
-dbz Cards
-Wolvorine & Gambit Comic#67
-Bishop #1
-Horror Novels
-Fantisy Novels
-Fact Novels
The Amazing Spiderman (King Sized Special) #7
This is a Mavel comic from 1970. It's condition is G+,
all pages are in color, it contains the origonal story of the Vulture, Chameleon and a guy named Joe.
£7 (including P+P)
Ultimate SpiderMan Collected Ed (#1#2#3 in one)
This comic is from 2000. Condition is F-, all pages in color
and unread, this is one of the most successful SpiderMan comic serieses.
£5 (including P+P)
Classic X-men #2 #6 #11 #13 #14 #15 #28 #32 #35 #37 #39
#96 #105 and Cage #11
The majoroty of these comics are from the late 80's and all of
them a in VG condition.
These X-men comics are the copies with the vital storylines which
all X-men fans must know and the Cage comic is just something free to sweeten the deal
The comics are £8 and I am not sure of the postal cost.
I think the postal costs would be around £3
Spider-Man #26 (Giant Sized 30th Anniversary Special)
This issue's cover is green with a holograohic picture of SpiderMan
on the front.
Inside there is a 'Great New Villian', SpiderMan's Orogin as
he remembers it, The secret of Spider Man's powers and a gate fold poster of SpiderMan, Silver Surfer and Captian America(This
Poster Rules!!).
This comic was made in 1992 and I have seen it for sale on ebay
at £14.99 + P+P.
My price:
£4.50 including P+P
Set of YoungBlood Comics
This set includes:
YoungBlood- #1 #4
YoungBlood Vol1- #7 #18 #24
YoungBlood Vol2- #2 #10 (double comic- #10 and Blindside
All of these comics were made in the ninties. Their
condition is G and VG there is only one which has damaged back cover.
£6 including P+P
Set of Captin America Comics
This set has:
Captin America Vol1- #335 #437 #275
Captin America Vol3- #13 #55
Vol1 (Sebtinal of Liberty)- #8
All of these comics are G and VG.
£5 including P+P
Set of Planet of The Apes Comics
This set includes:
Planet of the Apes- #1
Planet of the Apes (The Human War)- 2of3
UK Re-Print of Planet of the Apes- #2
£1.50 including P+P
Set of X-Men Comics
This set has:
X-Men (The Hidden Years)- #14 #20 #22
Uncanny X-Men- #400
Wolvorine and Gambit- #67 (with three collector files)
Icons (IceMan)- 1 of 4
All these comics are G or VG.
£5 including P+P
dragonball z battle cards
All 2 star cards are promos and the higher the star
the more value. 1/160 of these are doublers.
All cards are in numeretical order.
Gohan / Goku Collection
Condition - F- or VG+
9 sleeves with 9 pockets (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 29 Standard and 2 Foil
3 star cards - 14 Standard and 3 Foil
4 star cards - 2 Standard
5 star cards - 3 Standard and 1 Promo Foil
£12 including P&P
Namekian / Piccolo Collection
Condition - most = VG some = G
some = F
9 sleeves with 9 pockets (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 24 Standard and 2 Foil
3 star cards - 16 Standard and 5 Foil
4 star cards - 5 Standard , 1 Hightech Foil and 1 Hightech DimentionalFX
5 star cards - 3 Standard , 1 Promo and 1 Foil
£17 including P+P
Krillin / Tien / Yamcha / Chaotzu Collection
Condition - 4.5 = F 1.5 = VG
8 sleeves 9 pockets per sleeve (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 20 Standard and 1 Foil
2 star cards - 1 Standard and 1 Foil
3 star cards - 19 Standard
5 star cards - 7 Standard , 1Foil and 1 Promo Foil
£16 including P+P
Trunks / Vegeata Collection
Condition - 1.5 = G 3.48 = VG
0.02 = B
11 sleeves with 9 pockets each (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 14 Standard
3 star cards - 25 Standard , 1 Foil and 1Promo Foil
4 star cards - 5 Standard , 3 Hightech Foil and 3 Promo Foil
5 star cards - 6 Standard
£20.50 including P+P
Chi Chi / Roshi / Yajorobi / North Kai / 16
/ EarthDB Collection
Condition - VG+
7 sleeves with 9 pockets each (both sides used)
1 star cards - 13 Standard and 2 Foil
3 star cards - 11 Standard and 1 Foil
5 star cards - 3 Standard ,1 Promo and 1 Foil
£9 including P&P
Radditz / Nappa / Saibaimen Collection
Condition - VG
5 sleeves with 9 pockets each (both side of pocket used)
1 star cards - 15 Standard and 1 Foil
3 star cards - 11 Standard
4 star cards - 3 Standard and 1 Hightech Foil
5 star cards - 1 Standard
£10 including P+P
Frieza / Ginyu Force/ Zarbon / Dodoria / King Cold Collection
Condition - VG
6 sleeves 9 pockets per sleeve (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 19 Standard
3 star cards - 20 Standard
4 star cards - 1 Standard and 1 Hightech Foil
5 star cards - 2 Standard
£13 including P+P
Garlic Jnr / Spice boys Collection
Condition - VG
2 sleeves 9 pockets (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 8 Standard, 1 Proomo Foil and 1 Foil
2 star cards - 2 Foil
3 star cards - 2
£3.50 including P+P
Evil Android Collection
Condition - VG+
6 sleeves with 9 pockets per sleeve (boths sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 18 Standard and 1 Foil
3 star cards - 10 Standard and 2 Foil
4 star cards - 4 Standard and 1 Hightech DimentionalFX Foil
5 star cards - 1 Standard
£12.50 including P+P
Cell Collection
Condition - VG / F
3 sleeves with 9 pockets per sleeve (both sides of sleeve
1 star cards - 8 Standard and 1Foil
3 star cards - 5 Standard
4 star cards - 1 Standard
5 star cards - 1 Standard
£6 including P+P
Tournament / Bonus cards Collection
Condition - VG+ (1 card = G)
10 sleeves with 9 pockets each (both sides of sleeve used)
1 star cards - 33 Standard and
2 star cards - 2 Foil
3 star cards - 16 Standard, 1 Foil and 1 Special Foil
4 star cards - 1 Standard
5 star cards - 3 Standard
bonus / ad cards - 12
£17 including P+P
Condition - VG
This Magazine Features:
- Reveiws of (Figures,Models and Cards)
- List of most popular SuperVillians
- List of most popular Attacks
- An Interveiw with Vegeata's voice actor (Chris Sabat)
- A Fight Guide of all 187 fights in DB and DBZ
- Part One of an A-Z index (A-J) of Bios on all charaters
£2.50 including P+P
DBZ Card game rule books
Condition - VG
-Cell Saga
-Saijin saga
-World Games Saga
£1.50 including P+P