Data 1-4
Chronos track down Malmot. Malmot is forced to
self destruct after being caught by Chronos soldiers and in the explosion the three G-Units scatter. A G-unit is accidentally activated
by a student named Sho Fukamachi triggered the control medallion and is transformed into the Guyver I. Sho faces deadly battle against the bio morphic zoanoids controlled by the
Chronos organization, Gregole and Vamore.
Riscar is sent to examine the recovered Guyver
unit. But when he examines it the control medal is activated and he becomes Guyver II.
Chronos dispatch Riscar to confront Sho and the
two Guyvers do battle. Sho is no match
for Riscar because Riscar knows how to use the Guyver and Sho doesn't. But things get brighter for Sho when the Guyver II's damaged control medal starts to malfunction.
Guyver II decays and while it dose Sho uses
the megasmasher and finishes Guyver II.
Commander Guyot is not impressed by Genzo Makashima's
progress and goes to Chronos Japan HQ to manage the company.
Makashima is worried about losing his position
and tries to regain his position by using Mizuki to get to Guyver I.
Chronos kidnap Mizuki and Makashima's their
trump card 'a Hyper Zoanoid named Zerbebuth) for their plans to defeat Guyver I. Guyver one arrives at the warehouse were they took Mizuki and kill all of the Zoanoids
he sees.
But Guyver I faces a new threat, a new type
of Zoanoid appears (Zerbebuth). The only
way Sho can defeat Zerbebuth is by using the megasmasher, but he can't because Sho dose not know were Mizuki is and for all
he knows he could hit her. Sho finally
delivers a damaging blow to Zerbebuth upsetting the beast greatly.
Zerbebuth goes to use Mizuki as a shield but before
he got to Mizuki Guyver III showed up and killed him.
Sho and Tetsuro try to expose Chronos by telling
a reporter, Takasaro, about Chronos. But
Chronos destroy Takasaro's office with a deadly explosion.
Chronos decide to attack Sho and his friends before
they try to expose them again. The Hyper
Zoanoid Team Five are sent to destroy the school. The
Hyper Zoanoids plans go well and Guyver I is no match for them, until Guyver III shows up and kills Thancrus with his megasmasher.
Guyver I then destroys Gaster after the death
of Thancrus.
Commander Guyot gives orders for the rest of team
five to retreat due to the appearance of Guyver III.
And above all Mizuki finds out that Sho is the
Data 5-8
For failing to defeat the Guyver, Gendo Makashima
is turned into a new model of hyper zoanoid called Enzyme.
Enzyme and Guyver I battle. Guyver I was no match for Enzyme. Enzyme pulled Guyver I's control medal from Guyver's head and gave it to the Hyper Zoanoid
Team 5.
Even after Enzyme took the control medal from Guyver,
Guyver came alive and kept fighting, but both were killed when Guyot made Enzyme self destruct.
Agito reveals his true identity to Tetsuro and
Mizuki when he transforms into Guyver III and helps them brake out of Chronos Japan Headquarters.
At the same time Guyver I and Sho are reborn again
through the control medal and get even with Chronos.
Guyver III Destroys the Zoanoids in the proccessing
tanks, while Guyver I kills Derzerb and Elegen of team five along with many other zoanoids he finds.
Guyver III meets Zektoll and battles.
Zektoll is more powerful and is superior until
Guyver I shows up. Zektoll escapes and
merges with what's left of Elegen. Guyver
I, III, Tetsuro and Mizuki find Guyot and learn mankind's true genesis. Mizuki and Tetsuro escape Chronos HQ while Guyvers I and III Finnish Guyot, but before they
fight, Zektoll appears.
Zektoll was winning until both Guyvers combined
their force and used both their megasmashers destroying Chronos Japan Headquarters along with Zektoll.
Sho's father is believed to be dead and if that's
not enough he has more problems.
While rescuing Tetsuro, Sho meets a new allie,
a freelance rider named Murikami.
Murikami takes Sho and Tetsuro to Relics Point (Mount
Minakami) were Sho's father and Mizuki are.
Chronos sends out three of the lost units to kill
the Guyver.
They all have unique ability's and the Guyver is
no match for them all.
Even though it is three to one the Guyver manages
to kill two of them and the last one, a zoanoid called 'Aptom' is called back.
Murakami takes Sho back to a safe house.
When Tetsuro is asleep Sho leaves and meets Guyver
III on the way and both of them set off to rescue Mizuki and Sho's father.
Data 9-12
Mr Fukamachi's cell is opened by a Chronos combatant
but whe the combatant removes his helmet he relizes it is Sho.